SAC President Supports Rainbow Crosswalk



On Thursday, 6月 7, SAC President Dr. Robert Vela addressed Mayor Ron Nirenberg, 圣安东尼奥市议会, and city administrators in support of a rainbow-themed four-way crosswalk at the corner of N. 主要大街. 和E. Evergreen St, bordering the SAC campus and the adjoining LGBT business district known as "The Strip."

The effort was championed by 区 1 councilman Roberto C. Trevino, with the city providing initial funding and privately raised donations covering the additional cost for the specialized design and materials. The vote on 6月 7th was to authorize the city to accept the donation from Pride 圣安东尼奥, the local non-profit through which donations were collected. 

There was significant discussion in council on the matter, but ultimately the vote was unanimously in favor. The sidewalk project is being considered a pilot program and will be studied to determine if and how traffic and pedestrian patterns may shift with the addition of the functional public art display. 

圣安东尼奥 will follow other cities across the United States that have installed rainbow-themes crosswalks such as Atlanta, 洛杉矶, 波特兰, 和旧金山. Several Canadian cities have also installed the crosswalk art, typically in areas of those cities frequented by the LGBTQ population.  

Dr. 船帆座评论, "In the ten years I have been at SAC, I have seen our students thrive at our college because of the welcoming nature of our hardworking faculty and staff.  And I am here to voice my support of these crosswalks to further our message to the community and our students that SAC is always here for them."

Vela also emphasized the college's long-standing advocacy for LGBTQ students. For years, SAC has had a very active LGBTQ student group called GALA.  2010年, the college began recognizing LGBTQ History Month every October as an official activity of the college, in the same way that Hispanic Heritage, 黑人历史, and Women's History are celebrated. That program is unique to higher education institutions in 圣安东尼奥.

The crosswalk with be installed later this month in time for the "Pride Bigger Than Texas" LGBTQ parade and festival on 6月 30.  Dr. Vela embraced the move as a reflection of the 大学's and 大学 区's mission of inclusion and diversity.  "Our mission at SAC and the 阿拉莫大学 区 is to 'empower our diverse communities for success'" Vela states to Council.  "As president, I have taken that mission to heart. Our goal is to make our college as inclusive as possible by better serving our own backyard."